2025 Events

Rogue Booth Appearance:
Saturday, March 1 from 3pm - 4pm

Welcome to the Paper St. Fam you're officially a part of the anti-space monkey club.
Rogue Booth Appearance:
Saturday, March 1 from 3pm - 4pm
Arielle Loewen is a 4x CrossFit Games Athlete & Rogue Invitational competitor.
Known as the Fittest American Mom and has podiumed at every major CrossFit event:
3rd at Wodapolooza (22'), 3rd at the CrossFit Games (23'), & 3rd at the Rogue Invitational in Scotland (24').
Training & Mindset
Continuing support to her " Pretty Strong for a Mom" initiative.
Get Tame the Mane hair clips to everyone who needs them.
Biggest passion: Supporting strong moms in CrossFit.
Created the "Pretty Strong for a Mom" initiative, helping moms compete.
Sponsoring women’s teams
Arielle wants everyone to experience the difference working out in a hair clip makes.
She wants you to be able to tame your mane and train insane.