Paper Street Coffee is the only coffee I've ever been able to drink without needing to "doctor" it up with creamers and sugar.
If you are looking for a citrusy light roast, this is THE coffee you’re looking for. Each morning, I live brewing up a pour over of this unique flavor profile. It is exactly what I need to start the day (and continue the day at 2PM) at my best
I typically don't go lighter than a Medium or Light-Medium roast on the espresso machine but Stella has become the staple espresso bean in our house since the first day I purchased it. Gabe warned me I'd get hooked to how good Stella pulls, for an espresso and he wasn't wrong. Perfect flavor. Mixes super well with milks for lattes, without cutting the milk like some of the brighter, more acidic light roasts do. Great stuff!
I've slowly converted from dark roast to lighter roasts. I like the extra caffeine and more distinct flavor notes.
But you “fulfilled my order 14 days ago…” and I still haven’t received it yet.🤣